Free weekly horoscope daily horoscope today's horoscope this week's horoscope daily astrology report

Free Horoscope Free weekly horoscope free astrology report week aries taurus gemini cancer libra scorpio capricorn aquarius pisces

 July 10 to July 16 2011 

Pacific Daylight Time 
Carol is out of town till mid August, for daily forecast please go to till then!

Free Daily Horoscope ~ Astrological Forecast


Tropical Zodiac 2011

Aries March  20  4:21 pm - April 19
Taurus April  19  3:18 am - May 21
Gemini  May  21  2:21 am - June 21
Cancer June  21  10:17 am - July 22
Leo  July  22  9:12 pm - Aug 23
Virgo  Aug  23  4:21 am - Sept 23
Libra  Sept 23  2:05 am - Oct 23
Scorpio Oct  23  11:30 am - Nov 22
Sagittarius Nov  22  8:08 am - Dec 21
Capricorn Dec 21  9:30 pm - Jan 20
Aquarius Jan  20  8:10 am - Feb 18
Pisces Feb  18  10:18 pm - March 19 

Sunday July 10

This week the big news is we only have a Capricorn Full Moon on Thursday, finally relief from 3 back to back Eclipses. Today the Scorpio Moon trines the Cancer Sun early this morning, definitely it is an easy day, time to catch up after all the activity this weekend and past week. These planets in the sign of water, symbolizing emotions, indicates it is time to be like water and flow, feel out the spaces and dissolve, cleanse where you can, be a universal solvent as water is today.

Monday July 11

The Moon enters fiery Sagittarius very early, and trine Uranus this morning sets a very different tone from yesterday. Activity is the name of the game, enthusiasm, vision, goals, all with your unique stamp on it. This evening Mercury and Mars in sextile add to the days yang or male type energy. Now is the time to speak your mind, you can't possibly hold back! Later this evening there is a good back and forth between vision, possibility, versus caution and prudence.

Tuesday  July 12

There are no aspects between the Sagittarius Moon and the planets during the waking hours of the Pacific West Coast. Though if you are an early riser you may be rehashing some of the conversations from last night. It gets busier tomorrow so enjoy the relative calm, though issues in relationships maybe nagging on you more as the evening progresses.

Wednesday July 13

Venus square Saturn overnight brings things to a head, making decisions regarding finances and loved ones may be more pressing. Inspiration and meditation is easy to tap into this morning. This afternoon gets more challenging as the Capricorn Moon square Uranus pulls us between the past and future. The Moon joining Pluto late afternoon increases intensity, do we blow up or keep up the pressure. Fortunately we may see the bigger picture and more possibilities by this evening, or just find a convenient way to escape once again.

   Thursday July 14


The Full Moon perfects this late evening at 11:40 pm. Once a year we have a Full Moon in Capricorn, a time when we are furthest way from emotional comfort, while at the same time, the Sun is in the sign of the Moon, Cancer. So this is the time of maximum accountability of unconscious patterns that may not be furthering our overall good. From a compassionate place we can love ourselves enough to take ourselves in hand and make needed shifts, like mothering and fathering ourselves all at once. These are potent times and now is the time to get this message that you can do what you need to do for yourself.

Friday July 15


The Capricorn Moon enters Aquarius after lunch today and by late evening aspects Uranus. This is a great time to detach from various family members and obligations and hang out with friends of like mind, to exchange ideas. There is plenty of material to go over after yesterdays' Full Moon.

Saturday July 16

Another relatively quiet day, the Aquarian Moon aspects Saturn this morning, generally a good climate to get down to business and focus, or possibly be fear driven. Fear is good to notice and move through cautiously. Later this evening the Moon in aspect to Mars brings in more fear, but this is more of the spontaneous kind of fear, we act before we are even aware of the fear.





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